└ THE ART OF JESTING Vol III -Ol' Killer's Icy Cube Ya oughter really keeps this one handy. Arm it like a weapon. Ya gotter be close to the monster 'cause it ain't ranged. Attack an a wave o' ice fills the air. All the monsters git thar brains half froze. Har! Har! Har! Then they don't remembers how to attack no more, zo ya kin beats th' crap out o' them easy like. Har! Har! Takes 5 mana.-Ol' Killer's Wand O' Lightenin' This here just like the tunin' fork, but makes pretty sparks while ya fries the monsters energy. We likes this one.-Ol' Killer's Rubber Ball O' Death Har! Har! Har! Dis an especially funny jest ah made. Arm this purple ball an attack close. It'll zend all the monsters to outer zpace, but yo'll need to has full mana, an burn it all fer each shot. Worth it, though. Them zuckers really git burned from dis! Well, thas all me stuff. Enjoy!